donderdag, november 04, 2004
Steven Sodabread
Gisteren zag ik (eindelijk) Ocean's Eleven. Ik vond de film vermakelijk, en ja: ik slaakte een klein gilletje toen Brad Pitt in beeld kwam. Meneer Clooney was ook niet lelijk maar af en toe zijn zijn immer cool gefronste wenkbrauwen iets te veel voor me. Nu kijk ik uit naar Ocean's 12, waarvan de trailer weer veel van dezelfde pret beloofd. Toch moet ik gniffelen om het commentaar van iemand op de IMDb, die onder het kopje Clichés 11 schrijft: "I'll have to be upfront and write firstly that I am no big fan of Steven Sodabread. He has yet to impress me with any of his movies. IMHO he is one the most over-rated directors around today. His only saving grace is that many of his films make money for their studios. I can just imagine how the execs got together the ideas for this crap: Cliché 1. "Hey, wouldn't it be great to have a divorced couple who miraculously get back together at the end?" Er...Like 'Abyss'? 'Independence Day'? And numerous other films? No! Cliché 2. "We gotta have two inept thieves in the movie, who always bicker and fight. It'll be hilarious." It bloody well won't ya know. Cliché 3. "We can't have a black bad guy running the Casino...or an A-rab...so...we'll make him an Italian type! Yeah." Hmmmmpph! Cliché 4. "Let's have a guy with a funny British Cock-er-ny accent." Oh yeah. And make sure it's played by an American actor too. Cliché 5. "Everyone is gonna wear great designer clothes." Which never get dirty. Even when they've just left prison? Cliché 6. "A shoot out? Sure." Well, it's de rigeur these days. Goes without sayin'. Cliché 7. "If we fill it with a load of today's top stars, no-one'll notice the plot holes." Ya think? Cliché 8. "You gotta get Andy Garcia!!" Cliché 9. "The guy in charge of the gang would NEVER use a gun." Cliché 10. "Everyone's gotta look cool." (Refer to Cliché 5.) Cliché 11. "They'll never guess the ending." Mmmmmmmm." Hihi. 0 reacties |